Serious question: who on this list do you think would win a battle royal fight to the death?

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I have to go with @Andrew Smith, who is a fourth-degree black belt in Brazilian Ju-Jitsu.

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Not a bad option, however I would be wary of Charlie Brown. She may be a minimalist but I reckon she may be packing a crowbar and she seems like a real fighter

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This is full-blown Bloodsport. I'm not betting on anyone.

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I see myself as a corner-man: Burgess Meredith in Rocky.

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It really depends on what's allowed, doesn't it? I'm terrible in one-on-one confrontation, but I do hunt and am quiet in the woods.

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Not Serious Response: Nominating myself as I am Irish (not sure if I am the only one) and don't underestimate us "Fighting Irish" particularly if it is a "royal fight", as we may suggest we all go to a pub to drink alcohol made from potatoes ;)

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You would find me running in the other direction, so...

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I'm gonna chime in and say I'm out in the first round as I'm a wuss. XD

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Awwww. I totally feel loved right now. Thanks.🥰

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You are ! :)

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Thanks for the shoutout! Glad to be a part of a list of great writers.

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Thanks for putting this together, Ben. Honored to be on the list. Also excited to add more of these folks into reading!

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Thanks, Kim. There is some great writing here. Enjoy.

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Ben, thanks for putting this together. I need to follow a bunch of folks I didn't already know (although I know a lot of these writers, and they're good at what they do).

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Thank you Ben for including me in this Hefty list! I've ReStacked asked my readers to raise their hand if they need a writers lift. I love the way this community works together to lift each other up. We all rise together! 🙌

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Don’t mind me, just updating my follow list here.

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Thanks for your recommendations 🤗

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That is one heck of a list. I’ll be sharing it with abandon (and smiling broadly at being included - thank you, Ben)

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I'm honored to be included in this fine list! Thank you.

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Zed, well deserved. Thank you so much for helping to spread the word. Much appreciated.

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Thanks for this list Ben. I've done the only reasonable thing and followed everyone here I'm not already following. 👍

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That's awesome. Thank you.

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Extremely honoured to make the list - many thanks for the inclusion 😊👍

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Of course, Harry. Well deserved.

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Thank you so much for the shout out! Much appreciated!

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What a nice gesture, and thank you for the inclusion! I feel very 🫣🫣🫣 about overwhelming my Substack subscription reads any further, but so many of these are worth it!

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Antonia, thank you for your kind comment. There are indeed some very good ones on that list. I hope you enjoy them. Happy reading !

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I am certain I will, thank you!

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WHOOP! 💚💚💚 Deeeeelighted. Hear my dulcet Irish voice here: https://digitalnomadstories.substack.com/p/how-to-become-a-digital-nomad-audio on my first part of series "How to Become a Digital Nomad"

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Ben! Thanks so much for doing this. This is an amazing effort, and these here are great people, and fine writers!

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Andrei, it’s my pleasure. I look forward to reading more of your work !

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