Jimmy, I will definitely check it out. I've focused on the various disciplines at different times. Now I have to get back in shape and put them together. But it has been a dream since 1999. Thanks for the reference.

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This is really cool; what a gift a kind person can be for a child!!!

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Thanks so much, Mills. I appreciate it. He was extraordinary. I realized then the safety zone he provided, but it was only upon decades of reflection that I understood his loving kindness.

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What a gift not only to have such an influence, but more so that you know it and listened. Thanks for sharing Ben!

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Dee, my pleasure. I appreciate your comments, which mean a lot.

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I hope you'll read my friend Jef Mallet's book Trizophrenia: Inside the Minds of a Triathlete. He'd love to see you make that Ironman goal.

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Well done. As a child of two teachers, I know many go through life wondering if they make an impact. This is a fine example of showing that they do. (Maybe find a way to send this to his family or to a local paper? I’m sure they’d appreciate it.)

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