What is this newsletter about?

I write HEFTY MATTERS and invite you join a wonderful community for short stories and extra treats that make us think.

I also feature regular recommendations of the best writing of Substack — a great way to showcase writers who deserve our attention.

Who am I?

It may sound simple, but I think writing and editing are fun.

I have contributed over 100 articles to Forbes, Harvard Business Review, Huffington Post, Equine Journal, and other publications.

I graduated from Yale Law School and the University of Virginia.

I value your feedback, so please reach out to me here.

How often do you post?

I post 2-3 times weekly, directly to your inbox and here on the Web.

Is the newsletter free?

Yes. All archives are also free.

Who are your mascots?

I get lots of questions about my mascot. That’s Bodhi (rear) with his friends. He’s a senior dog with lots of energy. He has his own cat, Hannah, and she him. She’s in charge of office supplies — an exhausting responsibility.

Subscribe to Hefty Matters

Join me more for short stories and extra treats that make us think. Plus regular recommendations of the best writing of Substack.


Short stories and more. Animal lover. College basketball fan. Enjoy the Substack writers' community. No social media or anchovies, please. Contributed over 100 pieces to Forbes, HBR, and Huffington Post.